To obtain your full endorsement, you must take and pass 4 tests total. You must pass a Permit Written and a Permit Skills test, then an Endorsement Written and Endorsement Skills. All 4 tests must be taken and passed in order for you to add your full endorsement.
To Obtain Your Learners Permit
In order to obtain your Learners Permit you must take and pass a written test, as well as a 5 run skills test.
Once you successfully complete both the permit written and skills, you may have your Learners Permit added online by visiting the Department of Licensing website at and clicking on the Renew your License Online link.
Please keep in mind the Department of Licensing limits the number of Learners Permits to 2 in the last 5 years. If you have had 2 permits in the past 5 years, you may be eligible to add a 3rd permit after you complete a Basic Rider Course. We do not have access to your licensing records and cannot answer any questions about eligibility.
Your test results are good for 180 days. You must go to the Department of Licensing website or visit a Licensing Service Office to have you permit added within 180 days of the completion of your first successful test.
If you qualify for a Learners Permit, it will be good for 180 days and may be renewed for an additional 180 days if you meet the eligibility requirements.
To Obtain your Endorsement
After passing your Permit tests and prior to the expiration of your permit or within 180 days of completing your first permit test, you must complete the additional testing and have added your endorsement to your license. You should complete your endorsement testing and add your endorsemrnt tthrough the DOL at least two weeks prior to your permit or permit scores expiring!