In the past when you tested at the DOL and did not achieve a passing score, you were left to your own devices to find a way to get better. Now we can offer you some ways to get better and gain the skills necessary, to not only pass the Skills Test, but to become a safer rider.
We will tell you where you need to improve, and we can offer everything from an informal private ride time session, to a more formal training class ranging from the Basic Rider Course to the Intermediate Rider Training course.
You are not required to take any training with us to test or retest. You can still go out, get a buddy to help you or practice on your own.
Your testing fee includes two opportunities to pass a test. Whether you are allowed to retest in a testing session will be based on the skills you exhibit during your first attempt. If you fail due to crashing or dropping your motorcycle, you will not be retested in that session. A maximum of two tests will be administered in any one session
In any case, call us at 509-371-0888, or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and let us know if there is anything we can do to help you become the rider you want to be!